Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Tolerant Satanism. Even the words appear taboo and frightening. It is OK to do terrible things in the name of God, but hey, Satanism has to be bad hasn't it? Fact - No it hasn't. Satanism has been given a bad name. There are plenty of evil people around who claim to worship God and do terrible things using God as an excuse.

It is very weird, that Satan, who is totally unassuming next to the trappings assigned to God, always gets all the blame. Even sayings like 'Go to Hell' are insulting.

Every where in the world people are committing horrible crimes in the name of God, or hallucinated good. Vile, horrible things. These people believe sincerely they are committing these acts for a better world for themselves or because their perception of who God is has been insulted.

Yet Satan is always blamed for just about every little petty wrong and any one who declares openly that the are a Satanist is subjected to abuse by society. What hypocrisy is this? How can this still be allowed when so many crimes are committed world-wide in the name of God?

Satanists should be allowed to worship freely along side other religions under the Human Rights Act 1998. Satanism is not responsible for perverts, they are found in ALL religions. It is wrong and unjust to blame Satan for those people who in any religion would need medical help.

It is too easy to insult that which out of habit is wrongly taboo, when it has done nothing wrong, whilst all the while horrible crimes are committed in the name of that which is supposedly right. Amazingly, the world puts up with this and continues to insult Satan who has done the least wrong of any religion.

If a person dares to proudly claim they are a Satanist, in many gatherings they would be shunned. They would be thought to be bad parents for example, whilst the Christian or other religion pervert was ignored. Satanism is never considered 'normal' no matter how 'good' anyone is.

Isn't this wrong in the 21st century? Shouldn't progressive enlightenment tell us that Satan cannot be blamed for the evils of man if that man choses to be evil? Satan is not evil. Man chooses in certain circumstances to be evil of his own volition. Man is often very evil in the name of God.

Satan should not be given the responsibility of blame for the warped and twisted personality of some individuals that inhabit society. Satanists, should, under the Human Rights Act 1998, be allowed to follow their religion freely and without prejudice and fear along with all other religions.


A new website dedicated to the subject will be appearing soon. Check this blog for updates.

1 comment:

Esben said...

As far as I am concerned your right....I also habor satanic beliefs. I have but one problem with your blog. If you want to practise your religion freely then why are you anonymus. It only adds to the confusion and the mystery and isnt that exactly want you want to avoid? This is no way a criticism of your work or your thoughts, its just that you undermine the very message you try to put across by not standing by your expressions. You can not claim to be a victim and stay anonymus.
